Билеты в Alexander Nevsky Cathedral

Наслаждайтесь самостоятельными аудиотурами с включенными в стоимость билетами на достопримечательности в одном приложении.

Билеты в популярные достопримечательности в Таллине

    Билеты в популярные достопримечательности в Эстонии

    Alexander Nevsky Cathedral: вопросы и ответы

    The Alexander Nevsky Cathedral in Tallinn is open daily, all year round. You can generally visit it from 08:00 AM to 06:00 PM. On Saturdays, the cathedral remains open one hour longer, until 07:00 PM. 

    Being a practicing place of worship, the orthodox cathedral allows you to attend Divine Liturgy at 09:00 on Sundays and Orthodox Christian Holidays (and at 08:30 on other days). Also, you can listen to the ringing of Tallinn's most powerful ensemble of church bells before services. 

    • Look at the great example of Orthodox sacral architecture

    The Alexander Nevsky Cathedral is the tallest, largest, and most monumental domed Orthodox church in Tallinn. This picturesque cathedral, built between 1894 and 1900 in a typical Russian Revival style, catches your attention because of its ornate structure and five onion-shaped domes.  

    • Marvel at beautiful mosaics and icons

    The cathedral is richly decorated with mosaics, stained glass, and golden embellishments. Three altars and three gilded, carved wooden iconostases, along with other remarkable details, make the church's interior undoubtedly worth visiting. 

    • Listen to the church bell ring

    The Alexander Nevsky Cathedral holds 11 bells, including Tallinn's largest bell, weighing 15 tons. The famous bell ensemble can be heard throughout Old Town before worship. 

    The Alexander Nevsky Cathedral is located on Toompea (Cathedral) hill in Tallinn's Old Town, at Lossi plats 10. You can get there from the Lower Old Town via Lühike Jalg, a short narrow street with many stairs.  

    If you are going to reach the cathedral by public transportation, please note that the historic center of Tallin is mostly pedestrian, and there are no bus or light rail stops right in front of the church. The nearest one is Vabaduse väljak, which is a 10-minute walk from the cathedral. 

    Observe the most famous sights of Tallinn with our thoughtfully-made self-guided audio tour The Secrets of Old Tallinn: a Historical Walk. You will look at the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral from an atmospheric viewpoint in the beautiful garden of the Danish king and learn more about this fascinating building and other city landmarks.

    Alexander Nevsky Cathedral: отзывы путешественников

    сентябрь 2024
    сентябрь 2024
    Бодрый и полезный аудиогид, который с интересом слушал даже 8-летний ребенок (который сначала вообще-то собирался спать в машине)). Были локации, о которых мы бы и не узнали, проехали бы мимо, если бы не аудио (крутой шлюз, например, и кирха с мозаикой!).
    сентябрь 2024
    экскурсия мне понравилась, я в восторге, музыкальное сопровождение которое добавлено к повествованию экскурсовода, добавляет особую атмосферу к прогулки по парку, рекомендую

    Alexander Nevsky Cathedral: FAQ

    You do not need a ticket to visit the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral. Admission is free for all visitors.