Билеты в Notre-Dame Cathedral

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Билеты в популярные достопримечательности в Люксембурге

    Билеты в популярные достопримечательности в Люксембурге

    Notre-Dame Cathedral: вопросы и ответы

    The Cathedral is open daily from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM from Monday to Saturday and from 8:00 AM to 7:00 PM on Sunday.

    The Cathedral can get somewhat crowded during holidays, so we recommend visiting outside of the tourist season in July and August and religious holidays, and preferably on weekday mornings. It is advisable to check if there is service in the church in advance.

    The Notre-Dame Cathedral, originally a Jesuit church, had its first cornerstone laid in 1613. It received the name Notre-Dame in 1848. When Luxembourg was elevated to a bishopric by Pope Pius IX in 1870, the Notre-Dame Church upgraded to the status of Notre-Dame Cathedral. 

    A predominantly Gothic structure, the Cathedral also includes Renaissance-style ornaments in its design, while its interior features Baroque and neo-Gothic elements. It has been enlarged over the years, and two of its three towers were added in 1935-38 while the original Jesuit-built tower contains the bells. A few of the bells and part of the roof were destroyed in the fire of 1985, but restoration took place the same year. Not just a historical monument and a tourist attraction, the Cathedral is also a functioning place of worship.

    Highlights of the church include:

    • the statue of patron saint of Luxembourg, Our Lady Consolatrix Afflictorum
    • stained-glass windows with religious imagery, dating back to the 19th and 20th centuries using the techniques from the Middle Ages
    • the rooftop: climb up the narrow spiral staircase and enjoy the best views of the city
    • the crypt: guarded by two bronze lion statues, this is the final resting place of the local bishops, and all Catholic Grand Dukes and Grand Duchesses of Luxembourg, including John the Blind (1296-1346), King of Bohemia and Count of Luxembourg
    • the cemetery of the church featuring the National Monument to the Resistance and to the Deportation, which includes a bronze monument The Political Prisoner by the Luxembourgish sculptor Lucien Wercollier

    The Cathedral is located at Rue Notre Dame, 2240 Luxembourg.

    The nearest bus stop is Centre, F.D. Roosevelt (one min walk, buses 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 13, 14, 18, 19, 22, CN1, CN3, D07, E07, E11). Centre, Cathédrale stop is just round the corner, about a 3 min walk (buses number 19, 31, and CSB). 

    Hamilius on Boulevard Royal is the nearest tram stop, about 8 min walk away.

    Luxembourg central railway station at 11 Place de la Gare is about a 13 min walk from the Cathedral.

    There is a bike sharing station at Place de la Constitution.

    The nearest parking lot is Parking Knuedler on 11 Rue Notre Dame, however, we’d rather recommend walking, cycling, or using public transport in the city.

    The Cathedral is one of the stops on the route of our walking tour of Luxembourg’s old town that introduces you to most of the local historic sites.

    Notre-Dame Cathedral: отзывы путешественников

    сентябрь 2024
    Все отлично!
    сентябрь 2024
    сентябрь 2024
    Бодрый и полезный аудиогид, который с интересом слушал даже 8-летний ребенок (который сначала вообще-то собирался спать в машине)). Были локации, о которых мы бы и не узнали, проехали бы мимо, если бы не аудио (крутой шлюз, например, и кирха с мозаикой!).

    Notre-Dame Cathedral: FAQ

    The Cathedral is free to visit.

    • Palais Grand-Ducal

    • Place Guillaume II

    • Gëlle Fra

    • Villa Vauban, Musée d'Art de la Ville de Luxembourg

    • Cinémathèque de la Ville de Luxembourg

    • Musée national d'histoire et d'art Luxembourg

    • Luxembourg National Museum of Natural History