Билеты в Reichstag

Наслаждайтесь самостоятельными аудиотурами с включенными в стоимость билетами на достопримечательности в одном приложении.

Билеты в популярные достопримечательности в Берлине

    Reichstag: вопросы и ответы

    The Reichstag building, including the dome, is open for visitors daily from 8:00 AM to 9:45 PM.

    Guided tours and lectures in the Visitors' Gallery are unavailable on Good Friday, Easter Sunday, Day of National Mourning, Christmas, and New Year's Eve.

    The Reichstag dome is closed all day on Christmas (December 24), from August 29 to September 2, and from October 24 to 28 due to cleaning and maintenance work.

    The best time to visit the Reichstag building is during midweek. Set aside at least two hours to explore all the exhibits fully.

    • Immerse yourself in the history of Germany

    Take a guided or audio tour of Berlin's Reichstag and discover what significant events occurred and what critical decisions were made here. Take a look at what Parliament does and how it works during one of the lectures held in the Visitors' Gallery that overlooks the plenary chamber — this is truly a unique experience.

    • Visit the Reichstag dome

    Get to the top of the Reichstag building and marvel at the famous glass dome. Enjoy a spiral walkway inside and take in the breathtaking views of Berlin's Parliament and Government district and the city's landmarks. Don't forget to book a table ahead of time at the rooftop garden restaurant to enjoy the peaceful atmosphere of this popular spot — the perfect way to end your tour.

    Get a chance to learn more about the Reichstag building at your own pace. Walk around the city and explore its most visited attractions and hidden spots with the in-app tour History of Berlin: Popular and Hidden Sites. Investigate the city's mysteries while learning about the history of the country's main building.

    Admission to the Reichstag building is free, but advance registration is required.

    Reichstag: отзывы путешественников

    сентябрь 2024
    Все отлично!
    сентябрь 2024
    сентябрь 2024
    Бодрый и полезный аудиогид, который с интересом слушал даже 8-летний ребенок (который сначала вообще-то собирался спать в машине)). Были локации, о которых мы бы и не узнали, проехали бы мимо, если бы не аудио (крутой шлюз, например, и кирха с мозаикой!).

    Reichstag: FAQ

    Admission to the Reichstag building is free, but advance registration is required.

    You can book free timed-entry tickets to the Reichstag building up to six weeks in advance.