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Города в Бельгия

Антверпен: вопросы и ответы

Antwerpen charms visitors with must-see attractions like the Cathedral of Our Lady, home to Rubens' masterpieces, the grandeur of Antwerpen Central Station, and the historic beauty of the Grote Markt. The MAS (Museum aan de Stroom) offers enriching cultural insights, while wandering through Antwerpen’s old town reveals a web of cobblestoned lanes lined with antique shops and cafes.
Families with kids can explore the wonders of Antwerpen Zoo, indulge in interactive fun at the Comics Station Antwerp, or have an educational visit to the Aquatopia aquarium. These venues provide engaging, family-oriented activities that fuse entertainment with learning.
Outdoor enthusiasts can enjoy a leisurely stroll along the Schelde riverbanks, visit the Middelheim Museum's open-air sculpture park, or join a guided bike tour to explore the city's architectural marvels and hidden greenspaces.
The Plantin-Moretus Museum for a historical journey through printing, the Rubenshuis for a deep dive into the world of a master painter, or indulging in Antwerpen's rich chocolate heritage with a chocolate tasting experience are among the best indoor activities in the city.
Antwerpen offers a variety of tours, including a historical walk around its medieval core, an exploration of the Diamond District, and themed excursions that delve into art and cuisine. The Antwerp City Card provides access to several top attractions, making self-guided tours an enriching way to experience the city.
The most visited museums include the Royal Museum of Fine Arts, the Red Star Line Museum, and the Fashion Museum (MoMu), each offering a unique perspective of Antwerp’s art, history, and culture.
For rainy days, the best tours in Antwerpen include indoor activities like a guided tour through the De Koninck Antwerp City Brewery, a historical escape at the Plantin-Moretus Museum, or a self-guided audio tour within the Cathedral of Our Lady.
Short tours in Antwerpen such as a brief visit to the renowned Chocolate Line store for a chocolate tasting, a concise audio-guided tour of the Cathedral of Our Lady, or a quick exploration of Het Steen castle can all be enjoyed in an hour or less.
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