Экскурсии по культурным и историческим местам Пальмы

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Самые рекомендуемые в Пальме Культура и история
Пальма-де-Майорка: Квест-маршрут «Два в одном»
Пальма-де-Майорка: Квест-маршрут «Два в одном...

Маршрут проходит через, так называемый, «верхний город», старейший район Пальмы. Вы начнете тур в самом культовом месте — у Кафедрального собора. Затем вы свернёте с протоптанных туристами троп и попадёте на небольшие средневековые улочки. В лабиринтах переулков старого города вам предстоит отыскать центр древнеримской Пальмарии и сокровища тамплиеров. Вы пройдете через Еврейский квартал города, осмотрите грандиозный Дворец Альмудайна и прогуляетесь по Парку-де-ла-Мар. Вы познакомитесь с замечательными внутренними двориками и попробуете шарик сорбета в старейшее кафе-мороженом города. Узнаете, кто на самом деле открыл Америку, кого называют отцом Калифорнии и многое другое! Культовые достопримечательности и с секретные уголки Пальмы поведуют вам историю города на протяжении различных эпох.

Отзывы о экскурсиях в Пальме

Общая оценка
6 оценок 4 отзыва
февраль 2024
Пальма-де-Майорка: Квест-маршрут «Два в одном»
Было интересно, но под конец были сложности с навигацией, иногда расходился путь с картой. А вообще очень познавательно.
январь 2024
Пальма-де-Майорка: Квест-маршрут «Два в одном»
Очень удобная и информативная экскурсия.
май 2023
Пальма-де-Майорка: Квест-маршрут «Два в одном»
Отлично провели время! Спасибо!

Best Palma Culture & History

Discover the rich tapestry of Palma's past with an immersive audio tour, your companion through the top Culture & History in Palma.

Palma Medieval Jewish Quarter In-App Audio Tour

What is it?
An immersive exploration of Palma's medieval Jewish Quarter, tailored for self-guided discovery.
Why you should go?
Step back in time with the Palma Medieval Jewish Quarter In-App Audio Tour, unlocking the best Palma Culture & History experience. This meticulously crafted audio guide leads you through narrow Gothic walkways and bustling historic squares, unveiling the rich and poignant history that shaped Palma. Commencing from the significant Center Maimo ben Faraig to the Church of Santa Eulalia, this tour is an evocative tribute to the Converso and Chueta communities. Signposts of a once-thriving Jewish presence, such as the hidden synagogues and the Tower of Love mural, are narrated with immersive storytelling, providing a deeper understanding of the area's cultural fabric. The audio commentary aligns perfectly with your surroundings, allowing the echoes of the past to resonate as you uncover the secrets that lie within this architecturally splendid neighborhood, leaving you with an enriched perspective of Palma's Jewish heritage.

Palma de Majorca: Trivia Tour “Two in One”

What is it?
A historical and cultural tour blending the resplendent past and intriguing legends of Palma's old town.
Why you should go?
The “Two in One” Trivia Tour is a captivating journey through the historical heart of Palma. Commencing at the illustrious Cathedral, participants are soon guided off the beaten track into a labyrinth of medieval streets. Each turn brings to life stories from different epochs, including the ancient Roman town of Palmaria and the secretive Knights Templar. Through the Jewish Quarter, past the majestic Royal Palace of La Almudaina, and into the lush Parc de la Mar, this tour vividly narrates the top Culture & History in Palma. Those partaking will be enchanted by the exquisite patios and can savor a traditional sorbet in the city's oldest ice cream shop. Revel in the discoveries of lesser-known local figures, such as the so-called father of California. This tour not only educates but also immerses travellers in the enduring legacies and hidden gems that have been instrumental in shaping Palma's unique cultural identity.

TOP-2 most rated Culture & History in Palma

• Uncover Secrets with the Palma Medieval Jewish Quarter In-App Audio Tour - Traverse ancient streets on an immersive tour of Palma's Jewish heritage, exploring the legacy of the Converso and Chueta communities in a deeply moving narrative. • Palma de Majorca: Trivia Tour “Two in One” - Dive into Palma's rich past from The Cathedral to the Jewish Quarter, uncovering the Roman town of Palmaria and Templar treasures, enveloped in the old city's charm.

TOP-2 new Culture & History in Palma for experienced tourists

• Uncover Secrets with the Palma Medieval Jewish Quarter In-App Audio Tour - This intricate audio experience weaves through Palma's Jewish Quarter, revealing secret synagogues and stories of survival from the Converso community. • Palma de Majorca: Trivia Tour “Two in One” - An enlightening walk past The Cathedral, through Roman Palmaria, and the Jewish Quarter, ending with a taste of Palma's oldest ice-cream parlor.


Among the best Palma Culture & History experiences are the Medieval Jewish Quarter In-App Audio Tour and the comprehensive “Two in One” Trivia Tour, which are highly rated for their deep historical insights and engaging content.
Aside from Palma's rich history, visitors can explore stunning beaches, bustling markets, and luxurious marinas. The Bellver Castle and the Serra de Tramuntana mountains offer panoramic views and outdoor adventures.
The duration can vary, but typically, a cultural and historical tour in Palma can take anywhere from a few hours to a full day, depending on the itinerary and the depth of exploration preferred by the visitor.
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