Экскурсии по культурным и историческим местам Сольера

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Самые рекомендуемые в Сольере Культура и история
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Сольер, сказка о старом — главное за 2 часа с...

Квест-Прогулка по Со́льеру сулит много интересных открытий: каждая улочка дышит историей, каждый поворот дороги восхищает новым пейзажем. На прогулке вы узнаете, почему город назвали «золотой долиной» — именно так переводится арабское слово «Sulliar», от которого и произошло название города. Послушаете об истории Сольера и узнаете, какую роль сыграло налаженное в XIX веке постоянное морское сообщение с Марселем. Ведь влияние Франции чувствуется и в архитектуре, и даже в местном говоре.  Большинство туристов приезжают в Со́льер на ретро-поезде и, осмотрев лишь привокзальную площадь, отправляются в порт на трамвайчике. Между тем город известен своей многовековой историей и самобытной архитектурой. Квест проведёт вас оптимальным маршрутом через старый город, познакомит со знаковыми местами и культовыми сооружениями. Вам предстоит отыскать старинное кладбище, замурованную речку, заброшенные фабрику и кинотеатр. Вы увидите самое старое здание города, старинную прачечную, бывший дом мельника, и многие другое!

Best Sóller Culture & History

Embark on an enriching journey through Sóller's vibrant culture and storied past with our self-guided audio tours.

Discover the Exciting History of Soller

What is it?
A captivating historical tour through the heart of Sóller, unveiling its cultural treasures.
Why you should go?
Sóller, nestled between lush mountains and the azure Mediterranean Sea, is often admired briefly by tourists en route to the coast. However, the true essence of Sóller lies in its fascinating history and unique architecture, which merit a deeper exploration. The Sóller City Tour is an invitation to uncover the town's secrets. As you navigate the quaint streets, solving puzzles and revealing legends, you'll encounter Sóller's most emblematic monuments and locales. This tour shines a spotlight on the charismatic blend of traditional houses, modernist gems, and remnants of the industrial revolution that have shaped the 'Golden Valley.' Delve into the narratives that weave through the very fabric of Sóller's culture and history, creating an unforgettable experience.

TOP-1 most rated Culture & History in Sóller

  • Discover the Exciting History of Soller: Delve into Sóller's rich tapestry of culture and history on this acclaimed tour. It guides you through 'The Golden Valley's' hidden lanes, opens the doors to majestic modernist buildings, and reveals the engrossing industrial past. Rated highly for its immersive narrative and enchanting route, it stands as the top cultural and historical experience in Sóller.

TOP-1 new Culture & History in Sóller for experienced tourists

  • Embark on the "Discover the Exciting History of Soller" tour, the latest addition to Sóller's cultural scene. This engaging expedition is designed for the discerning traveller, eager to unearth Sóller's enigmatic past. Traverse from verdant mountain settings to the Mediterranean's edge, unearthing tales that span from ancient trades to architectural splendors. A fresh perspective awaits on Sóller's enduring allure.


Featuring prominently as the best Sóller Culture & History experience is the "Discover the Exciting History of Soller" tour. This immersive voyage takes visitors through delightful stories and architectural gems, highlighting Sóller's profound historical significance set against the backdrop of 'The Golden Valley'.
Away from the historical tours, Sóller offers a range of activities. The tram to Port de Sóller provides picturesque views, while the botanical gardens and the vibrant local markets are also worth a visit. Not to mention, the surrounding Tramuntana mountains are perfect for hiking enthusiasts.
The length of cultural and historical tours in Sóller can vary, but typically, a comprehensive exploration takes between 1 to 3 hours. This allows ample time to delve into the narratives, encounter the architectural marvels, and absorb the ambiance of this enchanting town.
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