Discover Culinary Venice: Eat and Drink Like the Locals

4 оценки и отзыва
Discover Culinary Venice: Eat and Drink Like the Locals

Об этом мероприятии

Аудиогид на Английском
Длина маршрута: 5km
Мгновенное подтверждение
Продолжительность: 2ч
Аудиотуры в вашем смартфоне
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Предпросмотр тура

От Alina
840,52 ₽
Мгновенное подтверждение
  • Все налоги и сборы включены
  • Вы получите аудиотур сразу после бронирования
  • Find out where to drink the best but the cheapest Spritz and how to find real Venetian wine
  • Learn how to choose restaurant dishes and where Marco Polo hid the recipe for ice cream
  • Hear a local telling stories about Venetian gastronomy
  • Discover the secrets behind the hidden spots you will find on this off-the-beaten-track tour
  • See the incredible sights of Venice: churches, noble houses, and many more...
You must try the local cuisine to truly understand a city! If you wish to learn more about Venice and experience its taste, this tour is for you. Your tour will begin at Santa Lucia railway station, where you will enjoy a marvelous view of the Grand Canal and discover why Venice's names often refer to past events. In close proximity to the ancient church of Tolentini, famous for being a big...

Что включено

  • Information about hidden gastronomical spots
  • Lifehacks how to choose the dishes and wine
  • Self-guided audio tour for your smartphone on the WeGoTrip app
  • Earphones and smartphone are not included – bring your own
  • Food and drinks – purchased on your own at will
  • In-person tour guide

Где вы побываете

Маршрут находится внутри круга на карте
Santa Lucia station
Stazione di Venezia Santa Lucia
Caffè Florian
Piazza San Marco, 57
Venice: популярные активности
Правила отмены зависят от типа выбранного варианта тура. Пожалуйста, ознакомьтесь с условиями отмены для требуемого тура Аудиоэкскурсия.

4 оценки и отзыва

октябрь 2022
I highly recommend it! The voice of the guide is clear and enchanting. The tour is never boring. It has been exciting to walk while listening to such interesting local stories and facts 💯
октябрь 2022
Good flow & easy to follow
октябрь 2022
The tour is super! I highly recommend it! I liked the route, the presentation of information, a pleasant voice. it was nice to walk around Venice in such company
декабрь 2022
Brief and interesting introduction into venetian cousine, but poor audio voice and quality. I cannot say I've discovered any must have places, but a lot of them are really good. Some of them were closed, so I give it another try later!

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Достопримечательности в Venice

Италия: интересные города
