Catacombs of Paris In-App Tour: Explore the Underground Realm (WITHOUT A TICKET)

3 оценки и отзыва
Catacombs of Paris In-App Tour: Explore the Underground Realm (WITHOUT A TICKET)

Об этом мероприятии

Аудиогид на Английском
Длина маршрута: 1.5 km
Мгновенное подтверждение
Продолжительность: 1ч - 1ч 30мин
Аудиотуры в вашем смартфоне
После покупки мы пришлем ссылку на скачивание приложения, чтобы пройти этот тур
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Работает без интернета
Все туры и билеты можно загрузить на телефон заранее

Предпросмотр тура

От WeGoTrip
837,46 ₽
Мгновенное подтверждение
  • Все налоги и сборы включены
  • Вы получите аудиотур сразу после бронирования
  • Immerse yourself into the city's dark and romantic underground world with an in-app audio tour
  • Get to know how the Catacombs were created and whose remains are preserved in their galleries
  • Learn the fascinating stories behind this unique site
  • See galleries filled with bones of millions of Parisians
  • Explore the labyrinth of underground tunnels hidden beneath the streets of the capital of France
Paris is known as the City of Lights, the City of Love. The illuminated Eifel Tower and the splendor of the Louvre Palace attract tourists from all around the world. But not many people know there is another world underneath this majestic beauty. The labyrinth of dark tunnels lying 20 meters beneath the street level conceals secrets of the city’s past. These subterranean galleries preserve the ...

Что включено

  • Recommendations for your further exploration of Paris
  • Downloadable multimedia audio tour on WeGoTrip app
  • Detailed route with step-by-step navigation
  • Self-guided audio tour for your smartphone on the WeGoTrip app
  • Earphones – please bring your own
  • The entry ticket to the Paris Catacombs is not included!
  • Earphones and smartphone are not included – bring your own
  • In-person tour guide

Где вы побываете

Catacombs of Paris
Avenue du Colonel Henri Rol-Tanguy, 1
21 Avenue René Coty
Avenue René Coty, 21

Достопримечательности на пути

Paris: популярные активности
Правила отмены зависят от типа выбранного варианта тура. Пожалуйста, ознакомьтесь с условиями отмены для требуемого тура Аудиоэкскурсия.

3 оценки и отзыва

декабрь 2022
The place is crazy, I loved it Listened to the tour 2 or 3 times after my trip to the Catacombs. Just like an audiobook
октябрь 2022
Please note that there is no ticket in this tour!! I bought it on-site and took the tour in the app. It was wonderful, very profound
сентябрь 2022
At some point, I was so scared I couldn't breathe Perhaps, I should've listened to the tour at home.... But the memories will worth it, I'm sure

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