Аудиоэкскурсии по Зальцбургу

Зальцбург: вопросы и ответы

The must-see attractions in Salzburg include the historic Hohensalzburg Fortress, the picturesque Mirabell Palace and Gardens, and the Salzburger Dom Cathedral. Mozart’s Birthplace and Residence also offer profound insights into the life of Salzburg’s most famous son. For fans of "The Sound of Music," a visit to the various filming locations is essential.
Families will enjoy visiting the enchanting Hellbrunn Palace with its trick fountains and playgrounds, exploring the hands-on exhibits at the Haus der Natur (House of Nature), and taking a funicular ride up to Hohensalzburg Fortress for medieval reenactments and interactive tours.
Outdoor enthusiasts can hike up to the viewpoints on Kapuzinerberg or Monchsberg mountains, cycle along the Salzach River, or enjoy a scenic boat trip. In winter, the nearby ski slopes offer snow-sport activities, while in summer, the alpine meadows are perfect for picnicking.
Indoor activities in Salzburg are plentiful, including attending a classical concert at the Mozarteum, exploring the Salzburg Museum, or enjoying the Baroque splendor of St. Peter's Abbey. Culinary encounters can also be had at the bustling indoor Getreidegasse or by taking part in a Salzburg brewing tour.
The best tours in Salzburg offer a mix of history, culture, and breathtaking landscapes. Key options include the "Sound of Music" tour, a Mozart city tour, and an excursion to the Salzkammergut Lakes Region. Each provides an immersive experience into Salzburg's rich heritage and natural beauty.
Popular museums in Salzburg include the Mozart Birthplace and Wohnhaus Museums, the Salzburg Museum with its array of historical and artistic exhibits, and the Hangar-7 Museum showcasing modern art and historic airplanes. The Toy Museum is also a hit with families.
Rainy days in Salzburg are ideal for the entertaining and informative tours inside Hohensalzburg Fortress, enjoying a Mozart concert at the Salzburg Palace Concert Hall, or taking the chance to learn about the local beverage culture at Stiegl-Brauwelt brewery's indoor experience.
Short tours in Salzburg suited for those with limited time include a concise guided walk through the historical city center, a quick visit to Mozart’s Birthplace, or an enjoyable speed boat trip along the Salzach river. Each offers a snapshot of Salzburg's charm.

1 отзыв на аудиоэкскурсии в Зальцбурге

декабрь 2023
Salzburg: City of Mozart, Sound of Music, History and Famous Desserts
Замечательный тур для знакомства с Зальцбургом, много дополнительных локаций и советов что посмотреть и посетить помимо маршрута. И очень красивая фото-локация в конце!